Vauban Tower

The Vauban Tower on Tatihou Island

The Vauban Tower on Tatihou island was built in 1694 and has been a UNESCO world heritage site since 2008. Originally a tower dating from the 16th century had been built to defend the island from English troops. In 1662 the King decided that it should be destroyed and it was therefore demolished in 1666.

Vauban Tower
Vauban Tower

A battle in 1692 showed how important it was to be able to defend the island and the bay surrounding it. The tower and adjacent farmhouse were commissioned; the tower is 21 meters tall and 20 meters wide at the base. There are three levels to the tower, a gunpowder store, a lodgings to accommodate 80 men and a platform for 10 canons. The adjacent farm was part of the fort and was home to barracks and a chapel. It is now a cafe.

During the First World War of 1914 – 1918 the tower housed Austrian-Hungarian prisoners in cells on the ground floor. You can explore the tower, visit the cells and climb to the top for a great view.

This TripAdvisor review is for the island of Tatihou where the fort and Vauban tower are located.

Vauban Tower

Discover more about the Cotentin peninsula on the Cotentin Tourist Office website.

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